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#821 : L'emblème de la ville

Nathan, Jamie, Clay, Julian, Chase et Chuck campent sur le Rivercourt. Pendant ce temps, Brooke, Quinn, Alex et Lauren font un voyage jusqu'à Puerto Rico.

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4.38 - 8 votes

Titre VO
Flightless Bird, American Mouth

Titre VF
L'emblème de la ville

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Chuck, Chase, Clay, Jamie et Nathan sur le rivercourt

Chuck, Chase, Clay, Jamie et Nathan sur le rivercourt

Jamie, Clay et Julian discutent

Jamie, Clay et Julian discutent

Chuck, Chase, Clay, Jamie et Nathan sur le rivercourt

Chuck, Chase, Clay, Jamie et Nathan sur le rivercourt

Chuck retrouve Chase

Chuck retrouve Chase

Chase et Chuck s'enlacent

Chase et Chuck s'enlacent

Plus de détails

Réalisateur: Mark Schwahn

Scénario: Mark Schwahn

Micro est au Rivercourt en se rappelant les vieux jours sur le terrain.

Nathan se renseigne sur un oiseau par Jamie. C'est un oiseau en voie de disparition. Il emballe une glacière.

Haley entre dans Clothes Over Bros et sourit.

Brooke, Quinn, Alex, Lauren sont au Porto Rico. Elles regardent la résidence de l’hôtel et sont heureuses. Elles sautent partout et crient.


Nathan essaye de convaincre Clay d’aller camper avec eux. Mais il semble que Clay a d'autres plans étranges depuis que Quinn est partie (des chemises tropéziennes, des magazines et son fauteuil). Nathan apporte Jamie avec son sourire charmeur.

Au Rivercourt, Jamie et Nathan installent les tentes et Clay les rejoint dans son fauteuil, avec ses magazines, sa chemise et sa glacière. Julian arrive ainsi que Chase et Chuck. Les gars ont une drôle de discussion au sujet des filles qui sont à Porto Rico et se moque de la chemise de Clay.

Les filles sont à la plage. Elles parlent de la danse, des boissons et d’autre chose. Elles essayent de convaincre Brooke et elle dit comme vous voulez. Lauren et Quinn ne savent pas qu'elle est enceinte. Alex dit qu'elle aidera à le cacher.

Millie est dans un costume de chien et fait un reportage sur les grottes de chien sur les trottoirs. Son patron demande où elle veut en venir avec ses tenues délirantes. Le public adore ses tenues délirantes. Le patron veut qu'elle fasse sérieuse.

Haley est dans Clothes Over Bros et sourit pendant qu'elle met le papier au-dessus de la porte.


Alex et Brooke marche jusque vers Quinn sur la plage. Lauren a bu beaucoup de boissons alors elle est restée dans l'hôtel. Le modèle de Quinn arrive. Elle est suer belle.

Millie entre dans l’appartement et indique qu'elle a besoin d’idée. Micro se tient sur sa tête. Millie pense qu'il est bizarre. Elle dit qu’elle doit être sérieuse, Micro lui indique qu'elle doit faire l'histoire sur le Rivercourt. Il dit qu'il est un canard bizarre.

Les gars se demandent comment ils vont capturer l’oiseau. Prendre une photo de lui. Ils recherchent Clay. Il est toujours dans son fauteuil, lisant le magazine et buvant de la boisson.

Quinn est à sa séance de photo. Elle va bien. Le modèle indique qu'elle aime ce qu'elle fait. Le mannequin homme convient. Quinn recherche et dit oui mais il pourrait être meilleur. Ils réarrangent et prend encore plus de photo.

Chuck a le téléphone de sa mère. Chuck tente de mettre en marche le bulldozer quand Nathan les appelle. Jamie l'appelle là-dessus et Chuck indique qu'il n'allait pas le faire.

Les filles mangent dehors. Alex aide Brooke à se débarrasser de ses sushi tandis qu'elles parlent d'une chemise folle qu'un homme porte. Quinn explique qu'elle pense que Clay en possède une.

Nathan apporte la pizza. Clay parle et leur dit que l’oiseau construit leur nid en terre. Ils lui demandent s'il y a un autre endroit où il voudrait être. Il dit Porto Rico.

Les filles dansent.

Haley accroche des rideaux dans Clothes Over Bros.

Les filles prennent des téquilas. Brooke les jette au-dessus de son épaule.

Brooke sort dehors et trouve de la nourriture normale et commence à la manger rapidement. Quinn arrive, lui offre de l’eau et dit félicitations. Elle la dévisage.


Micro dit à Millie comment réciter son reportage. Ils sont dans le lit.

Lauren est vraiment saoule. Ils l'obligent à monter se coucher. Quinn parle avec le modèle. Elle demande à prendre une dernière photo avec elle et elles prennent un regard de folle. Elle envoie la photo à Clay et il dit qu’il devrait être à Porto Rico. Toutes les filles envoient des messages à leurs petit-ami avant d’aller au lit.

Lauren se déchaine dans la nourriture. Elle se déshabille et prend des photos d'elle-même. Elle laisse tomber son téléphone. Elle sort pour aller le chercher et ferme à clef en étant dehors dans ses sous-vêtements.

Nathan et Julian sont éveillés par le feu. Julian dit à Nathan que Brooke est enceinte.


Quinn demande au modèle de faire un tour avec elle pendant qu'elle prend des photos.

Nathan se remémore des souvenirs au Rivercourt. Il dit qu’il va aller chercher du café dans un stand  et Clay est excité. Il ne comprend pas le camping.

Chase indique qu'il est excité pour Julian. Il dit à Julian qu'il a joint l'Armée de l'Air et partira bientôt. Chuck est surpris.

Quinn conduit dans Porto Rico et observe la pauvreté des personnes.

Millie s’entraine pour son discours.

Chuck s'est fermé à clef dans la voiture de Chase. Il regarde le bulldozer.

Quinn prend des photos du village. Elle prend en photo le modèle en interaction avec les personnes.

Les gars parlent. Chuck est dans le bulldozer qui roule et il ne peut pas l'arrêter. Chase saute dedans. Il roule sur tout le site du camping. Ainsi que les affaires de Clay.

Quinn prend des photos des enfants jouant la rue avec l'eau.

Chuck fait des excuses. Chase est fâché. Chuck ne veut pas que Chase parte. Chuck enlace Chase et indique il ne veut pas qu'il s’en aille.


Clay regarde ses affaires détruites. Nathan revient et veut savoir ce qui s'est passé.

Lauren veut savoir ce qui s'est passé. Elle a envoyé les photos semi nues et elle ne peut pas se rappeler à qui.

Chase parle avec Chuck. Il dit à Chuck qu'ils sont des amis et il reviendra. Chuck explique à Chase que son père est parti et n'est jamais revenu. Son père était censé lui acheter un vélo. Chase lui promet qu’il reviendra dans pas longtemps. Chuck n’a jamais appris comment faire du vélo.

Les filles regardent toujours à qui Lauren a aussi envoyé la photo. Lauren demande qui est le prochain dans son téléphone après Anwton.

C’est quand les gars remballent tout le matériel et pensant ils ont tout essayé qu'ils voient que l'oiseau est dans le sol avec un nid.

Millie est au Rivercourt préparant son reportage, Micro indique qu'elle sera géniale.

Quand elle commence, elle remet le micro à Marvin et le laisse raconter l'histoire du Rivercourt. Les gars se tiennent debout tous en ligne. Ils applaudissent quand il a fini.

Chuck sort de sa maison. Chase a un vieux vélo et indique qu'il lui enseignera comment en faire. Chuck est heureux et dit que c'est mieux que les photos que Mlle Lauren lui a envoyé.

Quinn prend un magasin de B. Davis et sa photo est sur la couverture.

Haley a bandé les yeux de Brooke. Il y a des tables et des chaises et elle reconvertit Clothes Over Bros en Karen’s Cafe. Brooke indique à Haley qu'elle ne déménage pas parce qu'elle est enceinte et aimerait être son associée.

Jamie et Nathan sont au Rivercourt. Nathan indique que s’il marque un panier le Rivercourt restera à jamais comme il l’a été. Il lance le ballon et marque!


Fin de l’épisode.




QUINN: Guess where I'm going?

CLAY: Please don't say South Africa.

QUINN: I got an offer to shoot a job in Puerto Rico. We're saying at the El Conquistador.


AUGUST: They still developing those condos at that basketball court of yours?

NATHAN: The Rivercourt. Yeah.

AUGUST: Two words Snipey Plover. It's a bird.


CHASE: All my life, I've wanted to fly. And lately, I've been feeling...A sense of obligation. I needed to take that drug test to join the Air Force.


BROOKE: And I took a pregnancy test. We're pregnant.

JULIAN: Baby! I knew you could do it.




Mouth is at the Rivercourt. He is thinking.


MOUTH (Voice-over): Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to an historic night of basketball. I'm Mouth McFadden, along with my gamey partner, Jimmy Edwards, and, Jimmy, we're in a for a treat tonight.




Nathan and Jamie take some staff of camping.


JAMIE: It's a bird, the Snipey Plover. It's endangered.

NATHAN: How do you know these things?

JAMIE: I go to school, dad.

NATHAN: Well, that's good. You stay in school. Don't do drugs. What else do you know about the stripey plumber?

JAMIE: Snipey Plover. It eats insects and worms and stuff, it has orangey legs, and it lives in tall grassy

areas, near water.

NATHAN: Like the Rivercourt.

JAMIE: Yeah.

NATHAN: So, you sure they're endangered?

JAMIE: Uh-huh. Miss Lauren took us on a field trip, and I remember she said it was endangered right before Chuck threw up a bunch of chocolate milk he chugged on a dare. Why?

NATHAN: Because Chuck is an idiot.

JAMIE: No. Why does it matter if it's endangered?

NATHAN: Because if we can find your Snipey Plover, we can save the Rivercourt.




Haley enters in the shop.




Girls enters in the hotel.


LAUREN: So, wait -- what magazine are you shooting for, again?

QUINN: B. Davis.

BROOKE: I told her to take it since I'm back at the company.

ALEX: But now that...

BROOKE: I'm not back yet, but I will be soon.

ALEX: But I thought since... I forgot what I was gonna say.

QUINN: Anyway, it's not the cover for sure. They have a lot of photographers shooting, and then the best shot wins, so... Have you guys ever stayed here before?

BROOKE: No, but I've heard... Great things.

LAUREN: Oh, yeah, this'll do.






Nathan tells Clay he wants to do.


CLAY: Camping?

NATHAN: Yeah. I figured since training camp got pushed, you could hang with us instead. Except not in that shirt. Who are you, Brian Boitano?

CLAY: Brian Boitano won the gold in men's figure skating.

NATHAN: That's my point exactly.

CLAY: Yeah. The thing is that Quinn's gone, and I kind of made plans.

NATHAN: Like what plans?

CLAY: Like I dragged my favorite chair up from the garage, put on my favorite shirt that you just made fun of. I have some magazines to read, my laptop, and a cooler full of drinks.

NATHAN: Clay, the refrigerator's right there.

CLAY: True, but here's something you don't know about me. I love a drink from a cooler, but not just any cooler. The ice has to be melted just right so it's half-ice, half-water, total refreshment.

NATHAN: You're really a strange guy.

CLAY: I know.

NATHAN: No, seriously -- you're stranger than I thought you were.

CLAY: You're just now noticing this? I'm a weird dude. I'm an odd duck. Why don't you just have Jamie camp out by the pool?

NATHAN: We're trying to find a bird to save the Rivercourt.

CLAY: Yeah, I'm not feeling that.

NATHAN: Don't make me roll out the secret weapon.

(Nathan brought back Jamie)

JAMIE: Ple-e-e-e-ase?




Guys install equipment.


NATHAN: Oh, yeah, that'll do.

JAMIE: This is gonna be a blast, huh, Clay?

CLAY: Yeah, this is real awesome.

JAMIE: How come he's wearing mom's shirt?


Chase, Chuck and Julian arrive.


CHASE: Hey, Skolnick, get back here and carry something!

CHUCK: Fine. Geez.

CHASE: Snipey Plover!

NATHAN: Adams, Baker, and Skolnick – it's like a bad law firm. Thank you.

CHUCK: Chuck!

NATHAN: Nathan. [ Laughs ]

JULIAN: What's up, my fellow ornithologists?

CLAY: I'm kind of "hornithologist" with Quinn being out of town.

JULIAN: Yeah, Brooke's gone, too.

CHASE: Alex, too. I mean...Why would I care if Alex was gone?

NATHAN: Nice try.

JULIAN: Uh-huh.

CLAY: Yep, just hanging out in a swamp with a bunch of dudes looking for an endangered bird while my girl takes pictures of supermodels in bikinis.

CHASE: Well, at least you look fabulous doing it, Brian Boitano.

JULIAN: You know how those things are from the inside, it's not so glamorous. How much better could it be?




Girls bronze with the sun.


BROOKE: This is amazing.

LAUREN: Really amazing.

BROOKE: I know, right?

LAUREN: Hey, what are we gonna do tonight?

QUINN: Well, I have to shoot, but then, uh, later we can go to dinner or whatever.

ALEX: I vote Sushi.

QUINN: Ooh, I second that. And then we could go dancing or have drinks or whatever.

ALEX: I vote all three, drinks, dancing, and all kinds of whatever.

LAUREN: That sounds perfect.

QUINN: Brooke?

BROOKE: Sure. Why not?

QUINN: All right, well, I better go make sure everything's good. I'll text you guys later.

LAUREN: Perfect.


ALEX: Okay.

LAUREN: I'm gonna go get some mojitos. You guys want anything?

BROOKE: No, thanks.

ALEX: Thanks for inviting us, Quinny.


QUINN: I'm so glad you all could be here. I'll see you later.


(Quinn and Lauren leave)

BROOKE: Really?

ALEX: What?

BROOKE: Drinking and Sushi?

ALEX: Ohh, right total bun in the oven. Why don't you just tell Lauren and Quinn you're pregnant?

BROOKE: I can't. It's too early, and Julian and I agreed we wouldn't tell anyone yet.

ALEX: Well, it's fine. I'm an actress, you can fake it, and I will help you.




Millie makes a report.


MILLICENT: Whatever happened to honesty, to honor, and to being a good neighbor? Now, I may not look like it, but I am a reasonable person. And every morning I get up, and maybe I'm a little late. So I rush out of my place, and I end up dodging dog poop in my yard. Dog poop. Do I have a dog? No. So I have tracked the irresponsible offenders to this address. This is the Hays residence, and payback is a female dog. Clean up your doggy mess, you mongrels! Curb your dogs, people. It's the right thing to do, and it's the law. I'm Millicent Huxtable, and, boy, am I pooped.




Jerry has a conversation with Millicent.


JERRY: "I'm Millicent Huxtable, and I'm pooped"? Where do you come with this stuff?

MILLICENT: I don't know. It just... Comes from my mouth.

JERRY: Well, here's the thing they're getting rid of the morning news and they're going with a morning show, and your rants have got their attention.

MILLICENT: Really? That's great.

JERRY: Tomorrow you're gonna go live again. Okay, now, consider that your audition, but, Millie, they've seen you do funny, and they've seen you do angry. Maybe switch it up a bit, give them something sweet or serious.

MILLICENT: I can totally do serious.

JERRY: Maybe don't go with the costume.





Haley put the store in work.




Brooke and Alex go on sand. They join Quinn who will make a photoshoot.


ALEX: So pretty.

BROOKE: Quinn, this is so cool!

ALEX: This is awesome.

QUINN: Thank you. Where's Lauren?

ALEX: Uh, she went back to the hotel a little bit too many mojitos. Erhn. Ahh, look at how bad-ass

you are! This looks amazing. I want to be photographed out here and look awesome.

QUINN: Right?

BROOKE: Look at all this stuff. I bet you could make anyone look good.

ALEX: Hey, Clothes Over Bros fashion shoot? Hello?

BROOKE: Not you. I'm just saying, a lot of the models that we used on our shoots were kind of strange-looking in...person.

ALEX: Yeah. She's a dog.


TARYN: Quinn?

QUINN: Hi. Taryn.


QUINN: It's so nice to meet you. I'm such a big fan. Ohh. These are my friends Brooke and Alex.


ALEX: Hi. Alex Dupré.

TARYN: Hi. Nice to meet you.

BROOKE: Brooke Davis.


BROOKE: Holy hell. You are beautiful.

TARYN: Oh, thank you.

ALEX: Okay, well, you guys have a great shoot, and, um, we'll see you later. Bye.

BROOKE: Bye. My God.




Milllie enters in the apartment.


MILLICENT: I need a great idea. What are you doing?


MILLICENT: What -- what was that?

MOUTH: What?

MILLICENT: You were standing on your head.


MILLICENT: So, why were you standing on your head?

MOUTH: I just haven't done it in a while. Have you?

MILLICENT: No, but that's a little strange, honey.

MOUTH: I know. So, why do you need a great idea?

MILLICENT: Because they're doing a new morning show, and tomorrow my live segment is my audition.

MOUTH: That's amazing.

MILLICENT: Yeah... But they said they've seen me be funny and angry. They want to see me be serious.

MOUTH: Then you should do that story on the Rivercourt. It's local, it's timely, and you'll be great.

MILLICENT: You'll help me?

MOUTH: Of course. Let's get the camera.

MILLICENT: It was weird that you were standing on your head, right?

MOUTH: Totally. In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird, Millie. I'm an odd duck.




Guys put a camera to shot birds.


CHUCK: So, what's the plan, anyways?

NATHAN: We use Julian's camera and roll it continuously. Then we'll take turns switching out the memory cards. Hopefully, that'll get us some footage of the snarling rover.

JAMIE: Snipey Plover.

JULIAN: Plus, it's a full moon tonight, so we should have plenty of light.

CHUCK: That's it? We're just gonna film it? Man, I thought we were gonna catch it. I brought my slingshot!

CHASE: Chuck, the Snipey Plover's an endangered species.


JAMIE: So that doesn't mean you shoot it with a slingshot.

CHUCK: Lame.

NATHAN: Speaking of lame, where's Clay?




Quinn makes a photoshot with Taryn.


QUINN: That's perfect. Now give me "slightly hung over."

TARYN: You know, you could have just come to my room this morning. It looked just like this.

QUINN: I like that better. You can relax for a sec.

TARYN: You know, this is really fun, Quinn.

QUINN: You think? I just wanted to do something different than just beach.

TARYN: If it matters, it's my favorite so far.

QUINN: That means a lot. Thanks.

MAN: Mine, too.

QUINN: It's good, but, um...It could be better. Better.




Jamie and Chuck plays near a bulldozer.


JAMIE: Better not.

CHUCK: I'm just going to check it out. You don't have to climb up if you're chicken.

JAMIE: I'm not chicken.

CHUCK: Then climb. Pretty cool, huh?

JAMIE: Yeah.

CHUCK: Hey, check it out. My mom let me borrow her phone for the camping trip. Maybe tonight we can crank-call some people.

JAMIE: Caller I.D.

CHUCK: So? They'll think it's my mom. No way.

JAMIE: Don't what are you doing?

CHUCK: I just want to see what happens.

JAMIE: Don't do it.

(Nathan calls them)

NATHAN: Jamie! Chuck!

CHUCK: Gotcha!

JAMIE: I knew you weren't gonna do it.

CHUCK: No duh. You think I'm crazy?




Girls eats some sushi.


QUINN: How good is this Sushi?

TARYN: So good.

LAUREN: Oh, my God, these mojitos are like liquid heaven. Okay, I think I'm a little buzzed.

ALEX: Okay, man at 3:00 wearing a blouse. Don't look yet! Okay, now.

(Brooke puts her sushi in her bag)

TARYN: Oh, bad choice.

LAUREN: Yeah, unless you're Brian Boitano.

QUINN: I think Clay has that shirt.

LAUREN: Oh, no.




Nathan comes back with pizzas.


NATHAN: All right, now, this is what I call roughing it.

CLAY: Snipey Plover.

JAMIE: Oh, did you find him?

JULIAN: I don't know. We have to download these memory cards and check the footage. But the camera's all set for another four hours.

NATHAN: Well, I caught us some pizza in the wild so we can have some dinner.

CHASE: Nice.

CLAY: Wait -- do you guys know why the Snipey Plover is endangered? It lays its eggs on the ground. I mean, the stupid bird doesn't even build a nest. What?

NATHAN: Can I get a drink from your half-water/half-ice cooler?

CLAY: It's not so strange now, is it?

NATHAN: It's still strange. We're just very thirsty.

CLAY: Mm. All right, look. All I'm saying is that this is nature's way of controlling things. It's Darwinism on display. Just build your nest somewhere high, you lazy bird.

JULIAN: Who knew male figure skaters were so angry?

NATHAN: Clay, we got pizza, beer perfect night. I mean, I know you wanted to stay home, but come on, man. Is there any place you'd rather be right now?

CLAY: Puerto Rico.




Girls dance.




Haley puts some curtains




Girls drinks some tequila.


BROOKE: Ooh, what are those?

TARYN: Tequila!

ALEX: I can't. I'm sober.

LAUREN: Ahh, more for me!

QUINN: Right to an amazing day.

LAUREN: And a just-starting night.

GIRLS: Whoo! Yeah! Cheers!

(Brooke thrown her glass behind her)

GIRL: Hey! ¿Por qué tú hace?

BROOKE: I am so sorry. I'm sorry. I...


Brooke get out and find some food. She starts to eat. Quinn joins her.


QUINN: Would you like some water to go with that? Hmm?

BROOKE: Thank you.

QUINN: Congratulations, by the way.

BROOKE: For what?

QUINN: Well, you're scarfing that down like a homeless person, but you didn't touch your Sushi, and you were tossing your drinks over your shoulder all night, so congratulations on being pregnant? Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

BROOKE: It's early, and we haven't told anybody yet.

QUINN: I promise when you tell me for real, I'll act surprised. I'm so excited for you and Julian!

BROOKE: Thank you.

(Lauren arrives)

LAUREN: Hey. Has you guys seen my shirt? Huh? Huh?

BROOKE: I'm sorry.




Millicent is nervous, Mouth tries to comfort her.


MOUTH: Make sure you speak to the fact that it's generational, that small towns are defined by places and things that we sometimes take for granted.


MOUTH: You nervous?


MOUTH: Don't be. This is your time, honey.




Taryn and Quinn bring back Lauren in her hotel-room.


QUINN: Here we go. Here we go.

LAUREN: Oh! Oh, oh! Hey, hey! Have you guys seen my shirt?

QUINN: Oh, you're wearing it, baby.

LAUREN: Oh, hey, there it is!

QUINN: Yay. All right. Are you sure you're okay?

LAUREN: No, no, I am awesome.

QUINN: Ohh. Ohh. Okay. You --

TARYN: Yeah.

LAUREN: Oh, my gosh, you look just like a model.


LAUREN: Just if you had bigger boobies.

TARYN: Ah. Oh! Okay. Thank you.

LAUREN: Okay. Night. Nighty night.

QUINN: Time for bed. Bye.

TARYN: Good night. Bye!

LAUREN: I had – bye. I love you. I love you.

TARYN: I love you.

QUINN: Go to sleep. All right. Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

TARYN: She's fun. No, no, no.

QUINN: Yeah, she had a blast tonight. Yeah. We all did. Thanks for hanging with us.

TARYN: Oh, no problem. I had a great time, and the shoot was amazing.

QUINN: Thank you. Okay, I have one more picture request. It's kind of a boyfriend thing.

TARYN: Oh, I get it all the time. Let's do it.

QUINN: Okay, good. All right.




Clay receives the photo.


CLAY: I should have gone to Puerto Rico.




Girls send text to their boy-friends.




Guys receives their text and Nathan sends text to Haley.




Haley receives her text.




Lauren takes some picture of herself in bikini.


LAUREN: Aah! Okay.

(Lauren makes fall her cellphone)

LAUREN: Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

(She leaves the room and the door is closed. She takes the elevator to go to recover it and meets Taryn)






Nathan talks with Julian.


NATHAN: You all right?

JULIAN: Yeah. I like it like this. Thought I would check the footage and look for our friend, the Plover.

NATHAN: Any luck?

JULIAN: Nope. Maybe in the morning. It's nice of you to do this spend a weekend trying to help Jamie. I'm sure he appreciates it.

NATHAN: Yeah. You know, sometimes I think about when we were kids and the memories I have of my parents and their friends. And then I think, "this is what they'll remember when they look back." You know, these are the days that they'll stories about. That's when I feel like I can do better, that I have the responsibility to try. You know, Jamie's gonna miss you when you leave to New York. He'll miss you and Brooke. We all will.

JULIAN: Uh... We're not leaving. Brooke passed on the job.

NATHAN: How come?

JULIAN: Because she's pregnant.

NATHAN: But I-I thought...

JULIAN: That she couldn't get pregnant? So did we. But she is. We just found out. I'm not supposed to tell anybody yet, so...

NATHAN: You fertile bastard. Wow.

JULIAN: I hope it's a girl and that she's just like her mom and that someday, she'll be best friends with Lydia Scott.

NATHAN: I'll drink to that. Cheers.

JULIAN: Cheers.




Quinn gets out, Taryn sees her.


TARYN: Quinn!

QUINN: Hey! You're up early.

TARYN: Yeah, you, too. Where you off to?

QUINN: Thought I'd drive around the city and shoot a little, sort of stray from the beaten path, you know?

TARYN: Oh, I love that. Well, maybe I'll see you later.

QUINN: I hope so. Hey, you want to come?




Clay and Nathan walk a little.


NATHAN: So, how you doing, Evans?

CLAY: 800...that's the thread count of my sheets at home. The tent did not get it done last night.

NATHAN: You know the thread count of your sheets. Triple salchow right now. When the Rivercourt's gone, a lot of memories are gonna go with it. I used to train with Q there, Jimmy Edwards, my Uncle Keith. It's worth a weekend to try to save that.

CLAY: Yeah, I know. The truth is, I wouldn't have missed it.

NATHAN: I know. I am thinking about going on a coffee run, though.

CLAY: Thank God. I don't understand camping. We have houses. We have beds, showers, flatirons.


Julian and Chase talk together.


CHASE: So, you must be excited about Brooke's...Thing I'm not supposed to know about.

JULIAN: We're totally excited, and we appreciate you not saying anything, even though I might've slipped up and told Nathan last night.

CHASE: Mm. I don't know anything about that.

JULIAN: So, why'd you have to take a drug test, anyway?

CHASE: Well. Since I'm carrying around your secret, I guess you could carry around mine. I joined the Air Force.

JULIAN: Wow. That's big.

CHASE: Yeah. And I got to leave soon.

(Chuck heard the conversation)

CHASE: Hey, Chuck, buddy.

CHUCK: I want to go home.




Quinn and Taryn are in a car. They see children.


QUINN: Sometimes it strikes me how poverty and privilege become silent neighbors and the world

just keeps going 'cause it has to.




Millie repeats her speech for the report.


MILLICENT: "I'm standing here today on a small piece of history. A small piece of Tree Hill history."




Chuck is in the Chase's car. He wants to talks with anyone.


CHASE: Chuck, just open the door and let me explain.

CHUCK: You didn't even tell me!

CHASE: I was going to. I promise! Just open the door.

CHUCK: You have the keys.

CHASE: It's an old car, Chuck. I have the ignition key. I don't have the door key. So, come on. Open up.

CHUCK: Just forget it! I want to go home!

CHASE: Well, you won't open the door, so...I guess you're stuck in here.




Quinn and Taryn look at guy who play in dominos.



QUINN: How'd you like to do a little work?

(Taryn plays with guys)

GUYS: Aah!


Then Quinn takes a policeman in photo.




Chase tries to talks with Chuck but he doesn't want.


CHASE: I tried talking to him, but he's really upset.

JULIAN: He won't do anything crazy, will he?

CHASE: We're talking about Chuck here.

CLAY: He makes a good point.

(Indeed, Chuck starts to drive the bulldozer)

JULIAN: Oh, no. Is that...?

CHASE: Chuck!


Chase tries to stop Chuck but he can't.


CHASE: Chuck! Chuck, shut it off! Chuck, shut it off!

CHUCK: I can't! I don't know how!

JULIAN: Come on. Come on. Come on.




Quinn takes some children in photo.




Chuck gets out in the bulldozer.


CHUCK: I'm sorry.

CHASE: Come on. What were you thinking?

CHUCK: I didn't mean to!

CHASE: Well, for not meaning to, you sure as hell did it! That was really stupid! You know that?! You could have killed yourself or someone else!

CHUCK: I just...I don't want you to go.


CHUCK: I don't want you to go.


Guys contest debris.


CLAY: My chair, my half-ice/half-water cooler of drinks.

JAMIE: Well, at least we put the shirt out of its misery.

NATHAN: What the hell happened?




Lauren joins girls to breakfast but she remember of anything of yesterday.


LAUREN: What the hell happened?

BROOKE: How you feeling, sunshine?

LAUREN: Shame. So much shame.

BROOKE: Come on. It couldn't have been that bad.

LAUREN: Um, I texted semi-nude photos to someone last night.


ALEX: You slut! To who?

LAUREN: I don't know. I lost my phone.

BROOKE/ALEX: Oh, no. Oh, no.

LAUREN: And I locked myself out of my hotel room in my underpants.

BROOKE: Oh, my God.

ALEX: Oh, no. That's epic.

BROOKE: Who do you think you would have sent them to?

LAUREN: Ugh. I don't know, probably Antwon.

BROOKE: I'm gonna text him and find out if he got them.

LAUREN: No, no, no, please, no.


ALEX: Oh, this is so much fun.

LAUREN: You guys, I am a teacher. I have parents' numbers in my phone. Oh, so much shame. Ow.

ALEX: Ohh. Oh, honey.




Chase and Chuck talk.


CHASE: I hope you know I was gonna tell you. As a matter of fact, you're the one I was worried about the most.


CHASE: Because I'm gonna miss you. Because we're friends.

CHUCK: Are you ever gonna come back?

CHASE: Dude, of course I'm gonna come back.

CHUCK: That's what my dad said. I heard him downstairs, so I got up. He was just opening the door. I said, "hey, dad, where you going? He said, "I'm gonna go get you a new bike, then I'm gonna come back and teach you to ride it." I sat on the porch and waited till it got dark out. And then my mom came and got me. For the longest time, I was sure something happened to him. I didn't know how to feel when I found out he was okay. He just didn't want us anymore.

CHASE: That's not gonna happen with me, okay? I'll be back in no time.

CHUCK: You promise?

CHASE: Promise.

CHUCK: I never did learn to ride a stupid bike. Don't tell anyone?




Girls talk.


BROOKE: I can't...Oh. Well, Antwon says he didn't get any pictures from you, but that he'd like some.

ALEX: Okay, maybe you sent them to someone who's next to Antwon in your address book. Let me check mine.

LAUREN: Honestly, if it's not him, I don't know who I would have texted.

BROOKE: I don't know.

ALEX: That would be Antonio Banderas.


ALEX: You sent Antonio Banderas naked pictures.

LAUREN: Semi-naked photos, and he's in my phonebook under "skills." But could I please have Antonio Banderas' phone number?

BROOKE: Yeah, me, too. I'll take that.

ALEX: Ehh! Oh, no!


LAUREN: Who is next to skills in my phone?




Guys try to find Snipey Plover.


NATHAN: Well! We gave it a shot, jame. We ruined some protected wetlands, but we gave it a shot.

JAMIE: Dad, look!

CLAY: Hmm. Like I said smart bird, making its nest in the ground like that.


Millie prepares for her report.


MAN: 20 seconds, Millie.

MILLICENT: Thank you for helping me, Marvin.

MOUTH: Of course. You're gonna do great.

MILLICENT: How many nights in high school did you spend here, practicing to be an announcer?

MAN: 10 seconds.

MOUTH: I don't know. Pretty much all of them.

MAN: Going live in 3, 2, 1...

MILLICENT: “I'm standing here today on a small piece of history in Tree Hill. No costumes, no catchphrases just a story about a local landmark that is soon to be erased, developed into condominiums unless something changes. The landmark is called the Rivercourt, and for those who loved it, its absence will be heartbreaking. For more on this story, here's someone who learned his craft here my colleague, Marvin McFadden.”

MOUTH: “It's been host to authors, NBA players, local legends, and fashion designers. Notable musicians have played here both concerts and games of "horse." And on gentle summer nights as the staccato rhythms of worn leather on fading asphalt mixes with the white noise of the distant nightlife

across the Cape Fear, kids have grown up here. I should know. I was one of them. Now development threatens to erase this place. Commerce is commerce. That's not really the point, is it? The truth is, a town's identity is made up of places like this one. And once they're gone, they're gone. Some people who care about this court have uncovered a nest nearby that could be the key to stopping the bulldozers you see behind me. But even so, do we have to find a technicality to preserve our town's history? A lot of lost kids found their way to something better in this park. In a confusing world, at a confusing time in their lives, they found something that made sense here, and they became better people because of it. Surely that is worth preserving. For Millicent Huxtable...Who I love with all my heart, I'm Marvin McFadden reporting.

MAN: And we're out.

MILLICENT: That was so good.

CLAY: Whoo!




Chase comes with a surprise.


CHUCK: What's going on?

CHASE: Well I thought you might want to hang on to this while I'm gone.

CHUCK: Cool! Can you teach me to ride it?

CHASE: Yeah, absolutely.

CHUCK: Man, this is better than those pictures Miss Lauren sent me.

CHASE: Yeah, you might not want to tell skills that, Skolnick.




Haley makes a surprise to Brooke.


HALEY: You got it, there? No peeking. All right, you ready?

BROOKE: Okay. It's just like...

HALEY: Karen's Café. Karen's Café was always so special to us. Karen made sure of that, and...and you, too, and I just thought, maybe after you move, I'll re-open it and call it Karen's Café. And maybe Jamie and Lydia will feel the same way that we did safe, you know? What do you think?

BROOKE: I think that sounds perfect. But it looks like I might be sticking around, so how would you like a partner?

HALEY: Of course. I would love that, but what happened? I thought -- why aren't you moving to New York?

BROOKE: Because I'm pregnant.

HALEY: Are you serious?


HALEY: Oh, my God! Oh, my...




Jamie and Nathan plays basketball.


NATHAN: All right, buddy, make this, and the Rivercourt stays like this forever. Ready?

(Jamie makes a shot)

NATHAN: Yeah! Yes! Yeah!


End of the episode.

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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