DOCTOR: Clay, you have what's called a dissociative fugue disorder. You temporarily become someone else.
CLAY: Why is there a kid here?
DOCTOR: He lost his parents. He stays with us sometimes. We try to help him.
CLAY: I'm Clay.
LOGAN: Logan.
CHUCK: I just fell off that stupid bike you gave me, that's all.
CHASE: Well, let me see. Does your mom know about this?
CHUCK: No. And you can't tell her, okay?
WOMAN: Okay, it looks like Natan Scott was on flight 2326 last night.
XAVIER: I just want to go about my business and live my life. I'm sorry for what I done to you.
NATHAN: How's that for a comeback, huh?
DIMITRI: Good news. We've reached new financial agreement. So they send more money...and then you die.
Dan wait someone and when he gets out, Dan fights him.
Dan is back, Julian talks to him.
JULIAN: I know what that guy will feel like in the morning. Who was he?
DAN: A lead.
DAN: We'll see.
JULIAN: So, what now?
DAN: Now I go back to prison.
Brooke takes a sign which says it looks at someone to work.
XAVIER: Can I please have an application?
BROOKE: Sure, of course...
XAVIER: They say I need a job now I'm on parole. I guess they didn't find your little speech as moving as I did. So, what do you say? I'll be the best employee ever.
BROOKE: That position has been filled.
XAVIER: I just watched you put up that sign.
BROOKE: Well, now you can watch me take it down.
XAVIER: Have a nice day.
Brooke walks away.
XAVIER: Have a nice day.
Clay and Logan do flying the plane.
LOGAN: More power.
CLAY: But I don't want to crash it.
LOGAN: Don't worry. We could just fix it.
CLAY: You sure?
LOGAN: Come on. You have to try at least, or else you'll never do it.
CLAY: All right. Okay, you were right. This is much cooler than keeping it on the shelf.
LOGAN: Try a cobra.
CLAY: Coming right up.
LOGAN: Yeah!
(The plane crashes)
LOGAN: That... was... awesome!
CLAY: That was pretty awesome. Wait up.
Skills walks in the street and sees Lauren to gets out her car. He looks she is pregnant.
SKILLS: Miss Lauren. Damn, you look good, girl. Damn, you look good, girl. Oh, damn.
Chris plays guitar a little. Chase is with him.
CHRIS: Dude, shouldn't you be, uh, like, prepping tric or something right now?
CHASE: Nope. Last night was my last shift.
CHRIS: Wait, today's the day?
CHASE: Today is the day.
CHRIS: You know what this means, right? Oh, man.
CHASE: No. No strip club today. I literally have to report for duty tonight, and I haven't even packed.
CHRIS: Dude, are you scared? 'Cause I'm not gonna lie. If it was Chris Keller, I'd be in Canada right "aboot" now, eh?
CHASE: That's why Chris Keller didn't enlist in the air force.
CHRIS: Yeah, that's one of several reasons, the biggest being no access to fine tail. Ooh. Are there gonna be girls in your clan or troop or whatever you call it?
CHASE: I-I don't know. Maybe.
CHRIS: Ooh, what if it's your lieutenant or your, um, commander-in-chief or something? Dude, what if she's super hot? Oh, bro, we need a game plan...
CHASE: Dude! Stop.
CHRIS: All right. All right. I'll keep this little fantasy to myself. What's wrong, man? You are worried, aren't you?
CHASE: I'm not worried about going overseas. I'm just worried about Chuck. I wish I didn't have to leave right now.
CHRIS: Dude, don't worry about kid Keller, man. He's gonna be cool.
CHASE: I don't know, man. He was just so weird last night...Lying about his dad and his bruises.
CHRIS: Whoa, dude. Careful of jumping to conclusions on something like that. Kids get bruises. Besides, he's probably just lying 'cause he wants his dad to seem cool.
CHASE: Yeah.
Quinn and Haley breakfast.
QUINN: Okay. So, what do you want to do now? Do you want to watch another movie?
HALEY: Quinn, listen, I really appreciate what you're doing, but nothing's gonna take my mind off of Nathan.
QUINN: I know. I just think that you should try to think positive and not let your mind wander to those worst places.
HALEY: I'm doing the best that I can, but every day that goes by without me hearing anything, the more that I feel like... I just keep praying for that phone to ring and somebody to tell me tat he's okay and he's coming home.
(Telephone rings, Haley takes the call)
HALEY(at phone): Hello? Yes, it is. Yeah.
(She hangs up)
HALEY: They found someone. They think it might be Nathan. I'm supposed to go identify the body.
Clay and Logan are still together.
CLAY: Man, buddy. I'm so sorry for crashing your plane. I don't know what happened.
LOGAN: Who cares? That was the coolest thing I have ever seen.
CLAY: Ever? Really? I guess you are only like 2.
LOGAN: Nuh-unh! Want to come help me put this thing back together?
CLAY: Most definitely. Ooh, but I have to go see Dr. Alvarez first. But, you know, maybe I'll blow him off. I don't feel like going up there anyway.
LOGAN: Why? Don't you like Dr. A?
CLAY: Yeah, he's okay, but he's always working me over with really hard questions I don't like to answer.
LOGAN: Well, I like him... And the suckers he gives out.
CLAY: Oh, those suckers are clutch.
LOGAN: I think he's just trying to help all of us. Plus, he said I might be done coming here for a while.
CLAY: You're leaving me? That's not fair. How come you get to go?
LOGAN: Probably because I answer all the questions he asks me.
CLAY: Yeah.
Brooke comes home.
JULIAN: Hey, baby. What's going on?
BROOKE: He came to the restaurant this morning.
JULIAN: Who did?
BROOKE: Xavier. They let him out last night. He just... stared at me, like he wanted to do something awful.
JULIAN: He's just a low-life who's trying to scare you.
BROOKE: This is different than last time. We have two defenseless babies now.
JULIAN: I know, but don't let him freak you out. Besides, if he shows up again, I'll kick his ass.
Chase comes in.
CHUCK'S MOTHER: Chuck isn't here right now.
CHASE: Uh, that's fine. I was actually hoping to talk to you.
CHASE: Has everything been okay at home lately? I mean, I know Chuck's dad is back...
CHUCK'S MOTHER: Why are you asking me that?
CHASE: It's... It's just I saw some bruises on Chuck, and...
CHUCK'S MOTHER: No. It's nothing like that.
CHASE: Nothing like what?
CHUCK'S MOTHER: Like whatever you're trying to say.
CHASE: Mrs. Scolnik, it's me. If there's anything you need to tell me, you can.
CHUCK'S MOTHER: You need to go.
(Chuck's father joins them)
CHUCK'S FATHER: What's the babysitter doing here?
CHASE: I was telling Mrs. Scolnik I noticed some bruises on huck. He told me they were from his bike, but it doesn't make sense.
CHUCK'S FATHER: You calling my son a liar?
CHASE: No. I was just wondering...
CHUCK'S FATHER: Are you accusing me of something? You know what? Why don't you get the hell out of here?And don't bother coming back, neither.
CHASE: If I do find out those bruises are from anything other than a bike, I will absolutely be coming back here, and the next visit won't be quite so cordial.
Haley has still the phone in her hands. She is shocked.
HALEY(Voice-over): Nathan... From the second I heard those words, "we found a body" my eart sank. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. And now that I've managed to at least move, all I can think about is one moment you and I shared years ago. Over and over, that same insignificant moment repeats in my head. I-I can't tell you why.
Quinn leads Haley to the morgue.
HALEY(voice-over): It was your birthday, your first year playing for Maryland. Jamie must have been 2. You said you didn't want to do anything, but I insisted on at least having your favorite ice cream. You remember this? When I brought back mint chocolate chip and you asked why I thought that was your favorite, I was so confused. Any time we had gotten ice cream together, that's what you always chose. But... you told me rocky road was your favorite. And you looked at me so tenderly, Nathan, and you said you always chose mint chocolate chip because you knew it was my favorite flavor.
Quinn and Haley come in.
HALEY(Voice-over): And that's when I realized for the first time that you hadn't been making any of your decisions for yourself. You were doing everything for me all along, for your family. and it occurred to me that we still had so much to learn about each other and since then, Nathan, I've learned about the wonderfully selfless, humble, strong man you are. Nathan, I can't hear that you'll never come home again, that I'll never learn something new about you again, never experience your selflessness, your love, your warm touch again. Nathan... please.
Haley enters in the room to identify the body.
HALEY(voice-over): Have we really had our last conversation? Our last kiss? I don't know what I'd do if...Please.
Haley sees the body and tells it's not Nathan. She cries.
Haley goes home with Quinn. She finds Deb is here.
DEB: Thank God it wasn't him.
Dan visits an ex-friend.
DAN: So, I hear officer burns had an accident.
MAN: How'd you know about that?
DAN: He and I had a little conversation last night.
MAN: Is that right?
DAN: Yeah. More or less.
MAN: I hear you talk him into a coma.
DAN: I can be very convincing.
MAN: Well, we all appreciate what you said to that sadistic bastard.
DAN: I hated that son of a bitch when I was in here. I know you did, too, so you're welcome.
MAN: I assume this little gift of yours comes with conditions, huh?
DAN: It's about my son.
Chase takes a drink and Skills comes at the bar.
SKILLS: You got a bottle of clarity back there? I got something I need to work out.
CHASE: Uh, I wish I could. I got called to active duty, so I'm no longer bar manager.
SKILLS: I thought you was just a bartender.
CHASE: Okay. Since it is you and you clearly need an ear, guess I could serve one last drink and listen to one last problem.
SKILLS: Mm. Good man, chase. You're a good man.
CHASE: So, what's up?
SKILLS: Okay. You know me and Lauren used to date, right? Well, every once in a while, we'll still, you know...
CHASE: What?
SKILLS: You know.
CHASE: Hang out? Tandem bike rides? You had a book club? What?
SKILLS: Dude, really?
CHASE: I'm screwing with you. So, what's your problem?
SKILLS: Well, I've been gone, and we haven't, you know, in a while. I saw her today, and she was pregnant. I'm talking about big-as-a-house pregnant. Man, I guess that explains why she was acting a little weird the last few months when I called or texted. So, what should I do?
CHASE: I'm gonna go really far out on a limb here and say you should go talk to her.
SKILLS: Damn, you good, dawg. I see why they let you manage this place.
CHASE: So, what if it is yours?
SKILLS: Then I'm gonna man up. Hell, I'm not about to be a bad father. There's already too many of those out there as it is.
CHASE: You're right about that.
SKILLS: I tell you one thing, though. I did not expect to wake up today and find out that I'm a father.
Clay has a seance with Doctor Alvarez.
DOCTOR: Maybe let's talk for a few minutes first.
CLAY: Seriously? I can't have a sucker? What am I, 6?
DOCTOR: Hey, I'm just recommending a simple work-then-reward method. It might help us get somewhere. Hey, I use it all the time on myself.
CLAY: Okay. What do you want to talk about?
DOCTOR: Let's talk about Sara. What happened the day that she died?
CLAY: We've already talked about this.
DOCTOR: Actually, no, we haven't. Not without you leaving or, unchanging the subject. Now, you've been willing to talk about anything up until that day, anything after that day, but not the day itself. Come on, Clay. We have to at least try. If you truly want to get better, you have got to let go of your reservations and open yourself up...No matter the risk.
Brooke arrives in the cafe.
BROOKE: Hey, everybody.
ALL: Hi, Brooke. Hi, Brooke. Hi, Brooke. Hi, Brooke.
GIRL: Hi, Brooke.
XAVIER: Hi, Brooke.
BROOKE: What is that creep doing here?
WAITRESS: I don't know he. That's his third slice of cherry pie.He says we have the best in Tree Hill.
JULIAN: Hey, Brooke, did you bring...
(Brooke tells Julian that Xavier is here)
JULIAN: All right. Let's go. Get up.
XAVIER: I'm still eating. Hey, I wasn't doing anything wrong. There's no law against eating.
Julian gets Xavier out.
JULIAN: Go, before I beat the hell out of of you.
XAVIER: Just wanted some cherry pie.
JULIAN: I'm telling you right now that prison will be the least of your worries if you come near my family again.
XAVIER: I wasn't doing anything!
Haley talks with Deb.
DEB: And the police don't know anything?
HALEY: Not that they've told me. Thank you. Deb, I can't shake the feeling that Dan is involved in this somehow.
DEB: Oh, Haley. As screwed up as he is, I can't believe for a second that Dan had anything to do with this. Any good Dan has ever done has been for Nathan.
HALEY: Well, if it wasn't him directly, it could easily have been someone that he's pissed off somewhere down the line. I don't know. I have so many possibilities that are just swirling around in my head every day, and each one is worse than the last. And I don't have anything else to go on.
Dan always talks with the guy.
DAN: Last place we saw him, I saw that...painted on the wall behind him.
MAN: I don't know anything about the kidnapping.
DAN: Give me a name... Someone who might know about it.
MAN: Does the name Constantin mean anything to you?
DAN: No.
MAN: What about Zoran? Or Dimitri?
DAN: Dimitri.
Dan is going to talks with Clay's dealer.
DEALER(at phone): Yeah. Yeah, Dimitri, I got it, okay?
MAN: You know him?
DAN: Maybe.
MAN: Well, I hope you don't. These guys are assassins. They're ruthless. If they do, in fact, have your boy, well, I'm afraid it's probably too late.
DAN: We didn't talk.
MAN: Scott. That, uh, TV show of yours... You think we'll ever find redemption for the things we've done?
DAN: I wouldn't count on it.
MAN: Then I'll see you in hell, my friend. I'll save you a seat.
Quinn comes home and finds David in the terrace.
QUINN: David?
QUINN: Oh, uh, hi. What are you doing here?
DAVID: Oh, I heard about Nathan.
QUINN: Yeah. It's awful.
DAVID: Yeah, I, uh, just cam town to see if there was something I could do. I stopped by their house first, but nobody was there.
QUINN: Unfortunately, I don't think that there's anything any of us can do, but it was really nice of you to drive all this way to support Haley.
DAVID: Nah. I still consider Haley and Nathan family. And you, too, as weird as that may sound.
QUINN: It doesn't sound weird. How've you been?
DAVID: Uh, good. Real good, actually. I'm seeing someone. And don't worry. It's not another one of your sisters. I've now decided to date outside of the James family, and apparently, there are more women out there in the world, so...
QUINN: Really? Well, I'm really glad you're happy.
DAVID: Thanks. What about you? How's Clay?
Clay is still in seance with the doctor.
CLAY: Oh, that's at least a four-pointer.
DOCTOR: At least.
CLAY: I was saying something stupid about pens, and she collapsed. She died. I called 911.
DOCTOR: What happened next?
CLAY: I told you yesterday. I drove around. I stayed at hotels. I thought about...
DOCTOR: No, Clay. What happened the day she died? That day. That moment.
CLAY: I don't remember.
DOCTOR: Try. Clay, please don't leave again.
CLAY: You know, I don't remember.
DOCTOR: We are close to something here. Come on, Clay. What happened? You have to go back there. It's the only way you can leave it behind.
Chris comes in with beer.
CHRIS: Dude! One more little sixer before you go off and save the world?
CHASE: "Article 133...Any commissioned officer who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. I'd be subject to dismissal and incarceration for up to three years.
CHRIS: Wait, you're saying you can't have a beer?
CHASE: I'm saying that's what will happen to me as an officer if I get caught beating the hell out of Chuck's father.
CHRIS: Whoa! Dude. Hey, maybe you should think about this for a second. You don't even know what's going on over there for sure.
CHASE: I got all the confirmation I needed this morning. The guy's a douche.
CHRIS: Well, yeah, he's a douche, maybe you're right.
CHASE: Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions.
CHRIS: Seriously. Look, I'll keep an eye on Chuck. And if I find out anything for sure, I'll take care of it right away... With people that deal with this kind of thing.
CHASE: Promise me you'll do that? You'll look after him?
CHRIS: I'll look after him. I promise.
CHASE: Just one. I got to go say goodbye to Chuck before I take off.
Brooke comes in with Lunch for Haley.
BROOKE: Hi. I brought you lunch.
HALEY: Thanks.
BROOKE: I've been calling, but it was going to voicemail.
HALEY: Oh, sorry. Um, Deb actually came over, and then I've just been out of it for a while. The police... they pulled a body out of the river and thought it might be Nathan. I had to go down and identify it. It wasn't.
BROOKE: Oh, my God, Haley.
HALEY: That was the literally the hardest thing I've ever had to do. If it had been Nathan when they pulled back that sheet, I..Ink I would have died right there.
BROOKE: Come here. I'm so sorry. I, um... I know it's not much, but Julian's been working with Dan, following some lead.
HALEY: What... what lead?
BROOKE: I don't know. Apparently, Dan won't say much.
HALEY: What could Dan know that the police don't?
Deb comes in to see Dan.
DAN: Deb... What are you doing here?
DEB: I came to see what you were doing to find our son.
DAN: Everything I can. How's Haley doing?
DEB: Better than anyone could imagine in her situation. She's upset with you, though. I can't say I blame her. I can't lose him, Dan.
DAN: I know.
DEB: He's all I have.
DAN: I'll get him back. I'll make everything right again.
Later, Julian and Dan are going to make a round.
JULIAN: Knows anything about Nathan?
DAN: I heard him say "Dimitri."
JULIAN: How do you know it's the same guy?
DAN: I don't. But we're in Tree Hill, Nathan's missing, and how many Dimitris do you know?
JULIAN: So, the man who went to prison for attacking Brooke was just paroled. He came to the café today. I threw him out and threatened to kick his ass.
DAN: So?
JULIAN: So, he said he wasn't doing anything. Maybe he wasn't. I don't know. Am I just supposed to give him the benefit of the doubt now that he's served his time or something?
DAN: The guy's an ex-con. I wouldn't trust him for a second.
JULIAN: Yeah. He can have his second chance somewhere else.
Skills meets Lauren to talk.
SKILLS: Hey, Lauren. Thank you so much for meeting me.
LAUREN: Antwon, is everything okay? You sounded so urgent on the phone.
SKILLS: Look, I just want you to know that I've been thinking a whole lot about you and about your situation. Well, our situation. And I just want to let you know that... I want to do the right thing for you and the baby. I mean, I want to be there 100% I'm talking lamaze, midnight runs for ice cream, all that. And I'm an excellent baby-proofer, so you don't have to worry about that.
LAUREN: That is so sweet. It's just, um, somebody else already has that covered. The father. Antwon, it's not yours.
David comes in.
DAVID: Her you go, babe.
(He kisses her)
LAUREN: Oh, thank you.
DAVID: Hey. Skills, right?
SKILLS: Uh, yeah, hey.
DAVID: Yeah. Hey.
SKILLS: I just want to offer you guys my baby-proofing expertise. You never can be too careful, right?
O, and, um... I'll even get you half off.
DAVID: "Antwon Taylor. Sports coordinator. I've got the "skills."
SKILLS: Oh, you got flip that over.
DAVID: "Antwon Taylor. Baby-proofer. I've got the "skills".
LAUREN: Thank you.
Quinn enters in the cafe and sees the band.
QUINN: David. Hi, Lauren.
QUINN: Oh! Oh, pregnant's the girl you're see... Uh, Lauren's the girl you're seeing?
DAVID: Yeah. You guys know each other?
Clay talks about Sara's dead.
CLAY: I remember the odd look she gave me. She was in the kitchen. "Angel flying too close to the ground" was playing on the record player. She liked the scratches and pops of the vinyl albums. And then her eyes rolled back into her head, and I watched hedy just quit. Se just stopped. So I ran to her. And I was thinking that no matter how hard I pressed my legs against the ground, it wasn't fast enough. It took me an eternity to get to her. And as I was holding her, I remember thinking, "this must be a dream." You know, as if my brain was telling me that this couldn't be reality. 25-year-old women don't just drop dead. I waited for her to wake up. I was numb. I couldn't speak or move. I just stood over her while they put her on a stretcher... And pulled the sheet over her face. I was thinking, "this can't be real. This can't be real."
DOCTOR: What happened next, Clay?
CLAY: I was thinking, "I can't go on without her. I just... I can't possibly."
DOCTOR: What do you see, Clay?
CLAY: I can't talk about this.
DOCTOR: Can't or don't want to?
CLAY: Either.
Quinn takes a drink and talks with Brooke.
BROOKE: Wait. So, David is with Lauren.
QUINN: Mm-hmm.
BROOKE: Our Lauren.
QUINN: Yeah.
BROOKE: And the... is his?
QUINN: Yep. I mean, I'm happy for them both, but it's kind of weird.
BROOKE: I bet.
QUINN: You know, with David, I could never see us having kids. You know? I loved how spontaneous our life was early on.
BROOKE: And what about now? With Clay?
QUINN: With Clay, it's different. You know, I'm less concerned about our future. Whatever happens, happens. It'll be a dream come true, whatever it is.
Xavier enters in the cafe.
BROOKE: You need to leave now, before I call the police.
XAVIER: I forgot my phone. That's all.
BROOKE: How convenient. Now go.
XAVIERS: You know, I haven't done anything.
BROOKE: Haven't done anything?
XAVIER: I served my time. I have just as much right to be around Tree Hill as anybody.
BROOKE: And I have the right to refuse service to anybody, and I'm not serving you. Now go.
Julian and Dan are in front of a bar and see Dimitri's friend.
DAN: There's that son of a bitch.
JULIAN: So, what's the plan?
DAN: I'm gonna have a conversation with him.
JULIAN: Oh, like a conversation conversation?
DAN: I'm gonna whatever kind it takes to get answers.
JULIAN: All right. Hold on. You can't just walk up to him.
DAN: Why not?
JULIAN: Because he probably has a gun, for one. And those guys, for two. What do you think would happen if they made one phone call saying that Dan Scott is snooping around, looking for his son? All I'm saying is now that we know where he is, we should come up with some sort of plan.
Haley comes to have more information.
HALEY: So, you're telling me that you're actually no closer to finding my husband now than you were a week ago?
POLICEMAN: I'm sorry, ma'am. I can point you to the detectives in charge of the case, but they'll tell you the same thing.
HALEY: The detectives?! You mean those guys back there who are watching the game and laughing and drinking coffee?! Nobody is doing anything to find my husband, and I'm tired of it!
POLICEMAN: Hey, hey. Look, look. I know that you're upset, but you do need to calm down.
HALEY: It has been a week! This is absolutely absurd! Do you have any idea...
POLICEMAN: We are doing everything that we can!
HALEY: It's not enough! No!
POLICEMAN: If you don't calm down, we'll have to remove you from the bulding.
HALEY: I went to the morgue this afternoon!
POLICEMAN: Is there anyone we can call?
Deb comes to pick up.
DEB: Haley...
HALEY: Nobody is making this a priority. It's like Nathan's missing, and it's yesterday's news.
DEB: Maybe you should talk to Dan.
HALEY: I have trusted Dan before, and he always makes me feel like an idiot for it.
DEB: I know we both have many, many reasons to hate him, but Dan may be our only hope.
Chase comes in and hears that it's screaming in the house.
WADE: Tell me where you've been running your mouth!
WADE: Boy, answer me!
WADE: Tell me what you said!
WADE: Answer me right now! Answer me!
(Chase takes a barre)
Mrs. Scolnik: Wade, stop! Please!
WADE: What'd you say, boy?! Huh?! You been running your mouth?!
CHUCK: No! No!
WADE: You been running [ Indistinct shouting ]
CHUCK'S MOTHER: You're hurting him! Let him go! Let him go!
(Chuck gets out and finds on Chase)
CHASE: You stay out here. Hear me?
Chase enters in the house and fight Wade to dead.
WADE: I thought I told you stay... ow!
Haley is walking on the street.
Julian comes to see Brooke.
JULIAN: You didn't call, so I'm guessing that son of a bitch didn't show up again?
BROOKE: He did, actually, but it was only for a second, and I handled it pretty effortlessly, if I must say.
JULIAN: Oh, yeah?
BROOKE: Mm-hmm. You inspired me today. It was pretty sexy, actually, you getting all protective.
JULIAN: You liked that, did you?
BROOKE: Mm-hmm. You were right. I think he was just trying to scare me.
JULIAN: You need to call me if you ever see him again.
BROOKE: Okay. Any news on Nathan?
JULIAN: No, not quite, but I think we're getting closer.
BROOKE: I can't believe this is happening. It doesn't even seem real.
JULIAN: Yeah, I know.
BROOKE: I feel so bad for Haley. I can't imagine.
(Julian sees Xavier by the window)
(Julian goes out and no one is here)
Clay walks in the hallway and remembers the Sara's dead day. And he remember there is a bedroom, baby's bedroom. He has a son with Sara. It's Logan. He comes back to see Doctor Alvarez.
DOCTOR: What did you see?
CLAY: You know what I saw. I saw my son. You're telling me that he's my son?
DOCTOR: I'm not telling you anything. You have to tell me.
CLAY: How'd you do this? You're screwing with my head.
DOCTOR: Clay, I haven't done anything. Like I said before, I believe your mind his been trying to tell you something for quite some time now.
CLAY: So, you've known about this the whole time? You let me walk around, unaware of my own child? For years! Until I'm some sort of zombie waking up on merry-go-rounds? Why the hell didn't you tell me?
DOCTOR: We tried.
CLAY: Who's "we"?
DOCTOR: Sara's parents. Me. Clay, I told you every day after Sara died. I told you, but you blocked it out. You weren't ready.
CLAY: Well, I'm not ready now, either. He said that you told him he's gonna be leaving soon. Why?Because he's gonna be leaving with me? He's not leaving with me.
Clay goes away. Logan sees him.
LOGAN: Clay? Want to put the plane back together now? Clay, are you ready? Where are you going? Clay?
Chase is arrested.
Quinn comes back and sees Clay at home.
QUINN: Clay! Clay... What are you doing home? Is everything okay?
CLAY: You know that breakthrough that we were hoping for? I had it.
QUINN: Look...It's okay. Nothing you say is gonna change us. I promise.
Haley comes in to see Dan.
HALEY(voice-over): Forgive me, Nathan. I just don't know what else to do.
DAN: Haley?
HALEY: Tell me what you know.
End of the episode.