Julian drives the car to the hospital and Nathan hold Dan who is dying.
NATHAN: Hurry up, man. We got to get him to the hospital.
JULIAN: I'm going as fast as I can!
NAHAN: Stay with me, dad. Stay with me. Just put the siren on!
JULIAN: I-I've never been in a cop car before. I don't know where the siren is.
DAN(Weakly): It's the switch in the middle.
(Siren wailing)
NATHAN: You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, dad.
Dan memories.
LUCAS: He killed Keith! He shot him!
Brooke is still with the cop.
COP: Do you have anything else to add?
BROOKE:Yeah, make sure you include the part where I told you he was gonna attack me again and you didn't believe me.
JULIAN(on the police's car): This is Julian Baker. I have Dan and Nathan Scott, and we're coming to the hospital, so be ready.
They are going to arrive to the hospital.
NATHAN: We're here. We're here, dad! Dad? He's not waking up. Come on, dad. Come on!
Haley comes in and looks for Nathan.
NATHAN: Hi, hales.
HALEY: Say that again.
NATHAN: Hi, hales.
HALEY: I can't believe you're really here. Are you okay?
NATHAN: I am now. Haley. It's okay. I love you.
HALEY: I love you, too. Thank you for coming home to me.
NATHAN: Always. And forever.
HALEY: Yeah.
Clay visits Logan's grandparents.
CLAY: I don't know what to say. You two must hate me.
CLAY: I'm sorry that I never came by after Sara died. I always meant to. I... I just couldn't.
SAM: Nah, we know, Clay.
CLAY: Is Logan okay? Can I see him?
SAM: It might be best if he doesn't see you for a while, son. I know that that may seem unfair, like we're being overly protective, but he's... He's been through so much.
CLAY: Um...Could you please tell him that I came by?
GRANDMA: Of course.
CLAY: Thank you for taking care of him.
Brooke comes in.
BROOKE: Oh, my God.
JULIAN: It's not mine. Dan was shot.
JULIAN: How did you know I was here?
BROOKE: I heard you on the police radio.
BROOKE: Don't freak out. Xavier attacked me outside the cafe.
JULIAN: What happened? Are you okay?
BROOKE: Yeah, I'm fine. I'll tell you about it later. The important thing is I'm okay, and you're okay, and he's going back to prison for good. How's Nathan?
A doctor looks at Nathan.
DOCTOR: Your blood pressure looks fine, Mr. Scott.
NATHAN: Thank you.
DOCTOR: You're welcome.
(Haley arrives)
HALEY: Thank you. All they had was hospital vanilla.
NATHAN: Mmm. Tastes hospital-y.
HALEY: Oh. When we get home, I am gonna fill the freezer with rocky road.
NATHAN: And mint chocolate chip.
HALEY: Mint chocolate chip.
(Brooke and Julian too)
BROOKE: I don't want to know what you're doing. I just want to hug Nate.
NATHAN: Ah, thanks for coming.
HALEY: You have now saved the two most important men in my life, and I don't know how to thank you.
JULIAN: I'm just glad I could help. And now I can cross "steal cop car" off my bucket list.
Quinn receives a call.
QUINN(at phone): Hi, Haley. What?! They found Nathan.
Someone knocks on the door. It's Brooke's dad.
BRULIAN: Daddy, what are you doing here?
TED: Well, after you called, I hopped on the first plane I could.
BRULIAN: I told you and mom I was okay. You did not have to fly all the way out here.
TED: Of course I did. You're my little girl. I need you safe. Come here.
BROOKE: Thank you.
Haley is always close to Nathan.
NATHAN: You don't have to stay here with me the whole time.
HALEY: Are you kidding me? I'm never gonna let you go. If I could sew my skin to yours, I would.
NATHAN: That's really gross.
(A surgeon comes in)
NATHAN: Hey. How is he?
SURGEON: Your father's out of surgery. We did everything we could, but due to the amount of blood loss and his bad heart... It wasn't enough. All we can do now is keep him comfortable.
NATHAN: So my dad's gonna die?
(Jamie joins her father)
NATHAN: Hey. Buddy. It's good to see you.
(Deb with Lydia come in too)
DEB: I'm so happy everybody's safe. Mm.
NATHAN: Yeah. Me too.
Jamie plays to the PSP and Haley joins him.
HALEY: Hey, kiddo. I'm glad you're back. Did you have a good time with uncle Lucas and aunt Peyton?
JAMIE: Yeah. It was good seeing them, but... But they kept giving me the look you're giving me right now.
HALEY: What look?
JAMIE: The look you gave me when you told me about Quentin, the look dad gave me when he told me about grandma Lydia, and the look everyone gives me when something's wrong but they don't want to talk about it.
HALEY: Wow. Okay. Well, you're... Uh, g-give me the game. Your daddy... Your father... Was taken by some bad men. And your grandpa Dan got him back.
JAMIE: Grandpa Dan saved dad?
HALEY: Yes. But he got... He got really hurt doing it. He got hurt really badly.
JAMIE: He'll be okay. It's grandpa Dan.
Dan wakes up. Nathan is here.
DAN: Wow. Who died?
NATHAN: This is all my fault. You got shot because of me.
DAN: Nathan... I made the decision to go in there firing. And I'm the one who took those men's lives. And I'd do it again.
NATHAN: You didn't take all their lives. I took one.
DAN: I'm sorry I didn't get you out of there before you had to do that. You were defending yourself, son. We both know that.
NATHAN: Look, uh...Some people want to see you.
DAN: Is it the cops?
NATHAN: It's friends and family.
DAN: I didn't know I had either.
Jamie is closed to Dan.
JAMIE: Grandpa Dan?
DAN: Hey, buddy. Sorry, I'm a little out of it today.
JAMIE: My mom says you saved my dad.
DAN: No. I just helped him find his way home.
JAMIE: She also said you got pretty badly hurt. But she forgets you're grandpa Dan. I'm sorry I yelled at you the last time I saw you.
DAN: You have nothing to apologize for. When your father's gone, you're the man of the house. That comes with some tough decisions. I'm proud of the way you handled yourself.
JAMIE: So, are you gonna stay with us when you get out of here?
DAN: I don't think I'm gonna make it this time, Jamie.
JAMIE: You thought that last time with your bad heart. You were fine. I think you'll be fine this time, too.
Clay is at the hospital. He sees Nathan and tells about news.
NATHAN: You have a son?
CLAY: Logan.
NATHAN: How long have I been gone?
CLAY: Six years, apparently.
NATHAN: How is it that out of the two of us, I don't have the most shocking news?
CLAY: Man, none of that should have happened to you. It's my fault. I should have been the one to go to Europe.
NATHAN: No. No, you shouldn't have. Dan wouldn't have come to save you.He can't stand you.
CLAY: Dude, you were kidnapped.
NATHAN: Dude, you're a father. I was kidnapped.
CLAY: I'm a father.
Quinn is to the hospital too. She sees Haley.
HALEY: Hey! Ohh!
QUINN: God, it's so good to see you smile again.
HALEY: It's so good to see Nathan. I couldn't have made it through any of this without you, Quinn... Thank you so much.
QUINN: We're family, Haley. Of course.
HALEY: Yeah. Well, speaking of family, what? Tell me about Logan. What's he like?
QUINN: He's 6 years old, and he is adorable. And, you know, he's a little freaked out about Clay being his father, but...
HALEY: He'll come around. He's obviously a tough kid. It'll take time. It's got to be really hard growing up without a father, you know?
Clay hears the end of the conversation. Haley is embarrassed.
CLAY: Hey.
HALEY: Hey. Congratulations, dad.
CLAY: Thanks.
Ted is still with her daughter.
TED; Oh, look at that.
BROOKE: I know you're probably wondering how the line is coming. Ah, here we go. I've been a bit busy, what with the cafe and the psychopath and my friend's missing husband, but I have managed to sketch a few rough samples.
TED: I have no doubt they are top-notch, but I came to town because I was concerned about you. So for now, no business. That sound okay?
BROOKE: Sounds perfect.
TED: Good.
Nathan sees Lydia walking.
NATHAN: Haley. Haley, wake up. Look at Lydia... she's walking. Come here. Mommy. You can do it. Oh. Mommy. Mommy. Good girl. Good girl. Mommy.
(Haley is crying)
NATHAN: Yeah! Hey. Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?
HALEY: I've just been trying to hold it all together for so long. It's just she started... She started walking when you were gone, and I just started thinking, what if you never came home? And what would I do? I don't know how I would live without you, how I would go on. I can't wake up every morning without you next to me, and I can't imagine it.
NATHAN: Okay, okay. Hey, hey. You know what I kept imagining the whole time I was kidnapped? Opening up the door to our home and seeing you. It's what kept me going... The thought of us together. It's all we ever need to think about.
Julian read again the Lucas's book and has an idea.
Jamie plays a game with Nathan. Clay sees them through the window.
NATHAN: All right. Whatcha gonna do about that, huh?
JAMIE: Big mistake.
NATHAN: What?! Oh-ho-ho! Are you serious? When did you get so good at this game? You been playing with mom?
Ted lunches with Brooke and Julian.
TED: Everything looks so good...Except that. That looks a little too much like what came out of Jude today.
BROOKE: He does that all the time, you know? He's probably doing it right now.
(Julian is back)
TED: Hey, hey. Brooke and I had a fantastic day. How about you, Julian?
JULIAN: I think I finally found a project for my sound stage. I've been reading "an unkindness of ravens" again. I really love that story.
BROOKE: Well, of course you do. It's the book that made you fall in love with me.
JULIAN: The scope of the story just seems so much bigger than a movie. Maybe it could be a TV show.
TED: I always liked that book.
BROOKE: You read that book?
TED: Of course I did. It was about my little girl. It got some things wrong. New York wasn't your first fashion show. You had that in our living room when you were 8. She dressed up all her dolls, then when those ran out, she started putting clothes on every piece of furniture in the house.
BROOKE: I... cannot believe you remember that. I stretched mom's favorite dress over a lamp. She got so mad.
TED: Only because it looked better than her.
(Cellphone rings)
TED: Excuse me.
JULIAN: It seems like you two are having fun.
BROOKE: So much fun. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Haley has Nathan back, my husband is inspired, and... It feels like I finally have the father I always wanted. It's literally been... Too good to be true.
Clay convinces Sam again.
CLAY: I know you told me to stay away, but I've already been away for too long.Look, I-I don't just remember Logan, Sam. I remember wanting him. I remember bringing him home from the hospital and how happy we were to have a son. And now that I remember, it's impossible to imagine how I ever forgot. But I did because of how much I love Sara. But I'm here now because of how much I love Logan. Look... I once proved to you that I was worthy enough to marry your daughter, and I'm gonna prove to you that I can be a good father to Logan.I know that he's all you have left of Sara. But he's all that I have left of her, too.
Julian, Brooke and Ted lunch.
TED: I've got an idea. How about tomorrow night, I cook dinner for you two? We'll throw some steaks on the grill.
JULIAN: Sounds good.
BROOKE: Thanks, daddy. I have to ask, did you really come to town just to spend time with me? There's no other reason?
TED: Okay, you caught me. Yeah. I have some great news.We have an offer to sell Baker man.
BROOKE: Sell it? It... doesn't even exist yet.
TED: That's why it's such great news. A large chain is willing to pay a fortune just for your name and idea. Of course, the final decision is up to you. So, what do you think?
BROOKE: I think I need to go check on the boys. Excuse me.
Nathan and Jamie still play.
NATHAN: Do you have any queens?
JAMIE: Nope. Go fish.
NATHAN: So I guess it must've been pretty tough for you when I was gone, huh?
JAMIE: Yeah. Being the man of the house isn't easy.
NATHAN: No, sometimes it isn't.
JAMIE: You know what's cool?We've both been kidnapped, and grandpa Dan saved both of us.
NATHAN: Yeah. I guess that is pretty cool.
JAMIE: Now that you two are getting along, can we all go camping when he gets out?
NATHAN: Grandpa Dan isn't getting out of the hospital this time, Jamie.
JAMIE: He'll be all right. He's grandpa Dan. You always say Scott men are tough.
NATHAN: They are. He's the toughest guy I know. But he's dying, Jamie. Right now, he needs you to be tough for him.
JAMIE: Did you tell Lydia yet?
NATHAN: No, I didn't.
JAMIE: I'll tell her. She'll take it better coming from me.
NATHAN: Told you Scott men were tough.
Dan memories.
DAN You can't kill Dan Scott! You could get yourself killed out here.
Haley comes to see Dan with Lydia.
DAN: Hey.
DAN: Hi, Lydia.
HALEY: I talked with Lucas. He's not coming. I'm sorry.
DAN: Well, I wasn't there for his life. Can't expect him to be here while I'm dying. Besides...I robbed him of the only father he ever knew. Haley, I never apologized to you. Keith was a big part of your life. And I took him from you, too. Haley...I'm so sorry.
HALEY: I can't thank you enough for bringing Nathan home.
DAN: I couldn't have done it without you. You know, I used to think no one was ever good enough for my son. But I am so happy to be proven wrong. He's the best thing that ever happened to me, and you're the best thing that ever happened to him.
HALEY: Would you like to hold Lydia?
DAN: I would.
HALEY: Yeah. Want to go say hi? Say hi.
DAN: It's too bad she'll never get to know me. Then again, maybe that's a good thing.
JAMIE: I know I'm supposed to be tough. I don't want you to go.
DAN: It's okay, buddy. I'm not feeling that tough right now, either.
HALEY: When Lydia asks about her grandpa Dan. We will tell her how much he loved his grandchildren.
Clay give a present to Logan.
CLAY: Hey. I brought you something.
LOGAN: Cool... an airplane!
CLAY: No, not just any airplane. That's the x-jet. That's what Wolverine and his friends use. I don't blame you for being mad at me. I'm mad at me, too. I'm mad that I left, and I'm mad that it took me so long to come back.
LOGAN: Then why didn't you?
CLAY: Well, when your mom went away, I got sick. But Dr. Alvarez helped me get better, and now I'm here to make it up to you.
LOGAN: Did you love my mommy?
CLAY: More than anything in the world. Okay, I'm gonna go, but...I'd like to come back and see you more often. I hope that'll be okay.
LOGAN: What if you wander away again?
CLAY: Well, I wasn't wandering away. I was looking for something. And I found what I was looking for...You.
Brooke is in the boys' bedroom. Julian joins her.
JULIAN: You okay?
BROOKE: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? I took an idea and a few sketches to my dad, and he's already turned it into potentially a huge profit. He's a great businessman.
JULIAN: Maybe, but he's a horrible father. You didn't bring Baker man to him because he's a good businessman. You brought it to him because he's your dad and you wanted a relationship with him.
BROOKE: You get it, so why doesn't he?
JULIAN: Well, my dad didn't, either, until I gave him a push in the right direction. Maybe that's what your dad needs. So try telling him exactly how you feel.
Dan memories
Deb is near to Dan.
DAN: Am I in hell?
DEB: Not yet. But it's good to see you still have your sense of humor.
DAN: How many times have you dreamed about standing over my deathbed?
DEB: Mm, well, actually, I kind of thought you'd outlive us all and end up dancing on my grave.
DAN: That was the plan.
DEB: You did a good thing, Dan. Our son is alive because of you.
DAN: Nothing on this earth could stop me from bringing him home. Besides... I've done enough awful things in this life. I think I was due.
DEB: Is there anything you need?
DAN: Yeah. I need you to stop blaming yourself for Keith's death. I know you carry the guilt around with you, but it's not your fault. I took his life. Just me. You had no part in it. Deb. So... How about one more... for old time's sake? Of course, you'll have to do all the work.
DEB: Oh, as usual.
Nathan is in a other room and Haley comes in. Nathan is upset.
NATHAN: I spent so much time hating him.
HALEY: He didn't give you much reason to love him.
NATHAN: How can you be so strong? I mean, I've never lost anyone the way that you have... Your mom, your dad. How did you do it?
HALEY: With you and Jamie... And our friends. I'm here for you. And they are, too.
NATHAN: Yeah, but that's just it. I never thought I needed it. I was never close with my parents the way that you were with yours, you know? And now that Dan is dying, I just... All I can think about is how much time I've wasted just hating him.
HALEY: You had a good reason. You were trying to protect your family.
NATHAN: Why do I feel so bad?
HALEY: Because you are a good man. You're one of the best I know, Nathan Scott.
NATHAN: I don't feel like a good man.
HALEY: One of the good things about my mom finding out that she only had a little time left... Was that we got to say goodbye to each other. It really helped to have that closure. Maybe that's what you need.
Brooke and Julian gets out the bedroom and are in the living room. She wants to talks with her dad.
TED: You two deciding what to do with all your new money?
BROOKE: I don't want to sell the company.
TED: May I ask why?
BROOKE: Because I already had to sell clothes over bros, and I want to have something of my own again.
TED: You said yourself that the line doesn't even exist yet. That's why it makes such good sense to sell it.
BROOKE: That's not the point, daddy. The point of this was for us to do something together.
TED: And we did that. But it's a business. And the smart business move is to sell.
BROOKE: I'm sorry, daddy, but my answer is no.
TED: Don't be foolish. I've already put together the paperwork for you.
BROOKE: I thought that you said the final decision in this was up to me.
TED: It is. I just expected that you'd make the right one.
BROOKE: You knew I wouldn't want to sell. And that's the whole reason that you flew down here. It wasn't to check on me or spend time with your little girl. You came here to put on a show.
TED: What show?
BROOKE: Playing with my boys and this whole father/daughter "let's not talk business" day, dinner, stories about me when I was a kid. I can't believe it. I'm just another client to you, another deal you had to close.
TED: Brooke, don't be ridiculous. You're over-reacting.
BROOKE: No. Julian thought that you could use a push in the right direction. How's this? Get out!
TED: Brooke...
BROOKE: Go! I want you out of here. I cannot believe I am such a sucker. You want Baker man? Fine, take it. I do not want any part of it!
TED: Y-you're acting like a child.
BROOKE: How would you know? You weren't around when I was a child. Get out! Congratulations, daddy. You closed the deal. Guess what... I can close things, too.
Quinn waits in the car and sees Clay gets out with Logan. She meets them.
CLAY: Logan, this is Quinn.
QUINN: Hi, Logan.
CLAY: Quinn, this is Logan, my son.
QUINN: It's nice to meet you.
Brooke is sad.
JULIAN: I like the cargo pockets on the shorts. Kids should have to carry their own diapers.
BROOKE: He tricked me. I fell for his charm, like I always do, and... He left me like he always does.
JULIAN: He just doesn't know you. If he would spend one real second with you, he would know that you're the most caring, most loving, most amazing person in the world.
BROOKE: If you make the "ravens" TV show, can you make him get hit by a bus or something?
JULIAN: I'll probably just leave him out. A character who doesn't love Brooke Davis...I wouldn't even know how to write that. Hey.
BROOKE: Why doesn't my dad want me?
Nathan talks to his father.
Dan imagines the scene in the Rivercourt.
NATHAN: Dad? Why does this have to be so difficult? You're my father, so I should love you, but... I've spent so much of my life hating you.
DAN: I was a terrible father. I know that.
NATHAN: You know, I can justify a lot of the screwed-up things that you've done. You bullied me because you wanted to make me tough. You tried to ruin my marriage because you wanted me to have a career. You even burned down your diner just because you wanted to see me again. But I can't understand how you could murder your own brother. And I'm worried. I'm worried that when you're gone, that's all I'll remember. And I'll still hate you for it.
DAN: You should hate me for it. So why did you do it? I was always jealous of Keith, even when we were kids. I was athletic, popular, all the things that he wasn't. But still, I was jealous of him. People were drawn to Keith, and I hated him for it.
NATHAN: So you shot him because people liked him more?
DAN: The day I shot Keith, I was in a dark place. I was convinced that he tried to kill me. I'd lost you, divorced your mom. My life was spiraling downwards, and meanwhile, Keith was building a new life with my high-school sweetheart and the child that I abandoned. Every time I looked at him, I felt like I was punched in the gut.
NATHAN: So what happened in that hallway?
DAN: Keith wanted to go into the school to save that kid. So I let him go... Hoping he'd get shot. Let him be the hero... As long as he was a dead hero. And then I thought... "Why should he be the hero when it could be me?" So I followed him in. Jimmy was crying. And Keith was telling him, "it gets better. That pain in your heart, that voice in your head that tells you there's no way out... It's wrong. It gets better." And I felt like he was talking to me. And in that moment, maybe... The most heroic... Kindest moment of my big brother's life... I hated him. I hated him more than anyone or anything, because nothing had gotten better. That pain was still in my heart. That voice in my headsaying that there's no way out was right! And he was standing there, lying to me. And after Jimmy died, I picked up the gun, and I aimed it at Keith. And he looked at me. And all I could think of was how everything that had gone wrong in my life was his fault... And it wasn't gonna get better until he was gone. Just pull the trigger, and it all ends. So I pulled that trigger. And it didn't end. It got worse. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
NATHAN: There are a lot of people that you need to say "I'm sorry" too. But I'm not one of them. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for you... My career, my family... My life. No matter what you've done, you're still my father. You're my father, and I love you.
DAN: Oh, Nathan...I love you, too. You know...We never got a chance to play a game together on the rivercourt. How about it?
NATHAN: What do you want to play to?
DAN: Let's not keep score. For once, let's just play to play.
(Monitor beeping)
Nathan understands Dan is dead.
NATHAN: Dad. Dad? Dad, hey. Hey!
(Beeping continues)
NATHAN: Dad, come on.
Nathan runs to warn someone. Dan is in the other side. He sees her brother.
DAN: Keith.
KEITH: Hi, Danny.
Keith and Dan are in the hallway.
DAN: What are we doing back here, Keith?
KEITH: I don't think either one of us ever really left, Danny.
DAN: Keith... If I could take it back...
KEITH: Well, you can't. I think we both know that.
DAN: I'm so sorry... For that day and every day before it.
KEITH: I know you are, Danny. And I forgive you.
DAN: I took you away from everyone and everything you ever cared about... How can you just forgive me?
KEITH: Well, you're dead, Dan. If I can't forgive you now, when can I? Look, Danny, you've done some horrific things. You can't change that, and you can't take it back. Since then, you've done everything you could to make up for it. You've become a better man.
DAN: I lied about my heart transplant. My book and show were a fraud. I set my own diner on fire.
KEITH: Well, I didn't say you were perfect. But nobody is. But you learned what's important. You learned to put friends and family first. And you've become the selfless, kind person that I always wanted for a brother.
DAN: Like the kind of brother you were. For so many years, I was so jealous of you. I should've been trying to be more like you. I should've been proud of you. I am proud of you. I love you, Keith.
KEITH: I love you, too, Danny. Come on.
They see all his family gather into him in hospital's bed.
KEITH: I told you the voice was wrong. It gets better. Come on, little brother. Take a walk with me.
Dan and Keith go on the white light.
DAN: I know where you're going. But what about me?
KEITH: Don't worry, little brother. You're my "plus one."
End of the episode.